James found the coffee creamers and wanted to have one for each hand. He tried to feed the deer heads hanging on the wall and one time he bit into one and ended up with cream all over himself.
Here he is in front of the Christmas tree. The color is a little off b/c my flash wasn't on right.
PawPaw gave James a little duck that says, "Aflac!" when you press it's back. James loved carrying it around.
Uncle Neal and Aunt Fay sent us all some tins of popcorn. James turned PawPaw and Meme's into a drum.
Still trying to get a good picture of James and the tree. He just didn't want to cooperate and look at the camera.
Aaron and I gave James a big Tonka truck for Christmas. He loves pusing it around and running into everything!
I asked Aaron to sit James in the truck to get a cute picture...now James thinks he is supposed to ride in the truck and expects to be pushed around. :)
Time to open presents!
PawPaw and MeMe gave James a toy lawnmower that makes tons of popping noise...James was pushing it everywhere!
PawPaw and MeMe gave James a rocking Eeyore. It's a little big but he loves riding on it!