Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Baby James

I was sent to the hospital on Monday morning for "observation." The hospital decided to keep me overnight to see if nature would continue my labor. It didn't b/c they wouldn't let me out of the bed. Tuesday morning, the midwife came in and broke my water. A little less than 2 hours later, James was born. I was in actual "pushing labor" for about 10 minutes. James Gabriel Brant was born at 9:56am. He weighed in at 6lbs and 13oz. He is 19 and 3/4 in long.

He is such a good baby! Of course that is part of the mom in me talking, but he really is great! He doesn't cry hardly at all. He can already hold his head up a little bit and smiles. Aaron loves being a dad and holds him quite a lot. I on the other hand have to constantly remind myself that it's ok if James is not being held 100% of the time. He's just so cute I can't stand for him not to be held.

We'll post more soon, right now we are all just settling into being home. Aaron just informed me that "this watching a baby is hard work!" :)

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

yay...I'm so happy for you! And uh a little jealous that you pushed for 10 minutes...........that makes 2 1/2 hours seem ridiculous! Hope you all are doing well!!!